Tag Archives: Coaching

11 reasons why you should not never give up..

Most of us at some point of life feel the life is worthless to live when we face the constant challenges and get overwhelmed by those creating painful scars in the memories. Those who succumbed to the pressure of the life taking their life on their own or some vows never to leave their comfort zone waiting to go in the grave with unfinished dreams.
“Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That’s exactly what the majority of men do.-Napoleon Hill

The list is for those who can still feel they can achieve ….

1 You understand something is possible for you – Your belief about yourself is still intact within you and since you are reading this post, you know your thought is the real reason of your success till date. Your response to the situations in the past gave you the glory and in future that matters too.

2 Mistakes made you a better person- All the failures, heart breaks have taught you a lesson in your life making you stronger and you still believe the best is yet to come.

3- You don’t want to sell yourself short– Sometimes when the roadblocks challenges our dreams, we avoid taking de-tour. You still believe the power of your dreams and can do whatever it takes to meet. You don’t want to live the life with unfinished business…you know you can do it.

4 Your closed ones-. You know there is a responsibility lies ahead on you about the happiness of closed ones and your wish to succeed will give them the reason to smile.

5 The best days are yet to come– The situations could have turned worse in the past and you acknowledge the time in present by being grateful to what you have. Your belief about self makes you realize that miracle do happen if life if you are willing to work for it.

6 You want to live a successful life– May be the hard times tested your strength till now and you have the faith that time is not far when you can carry out the goal.

7 To give someone hope–   You are born with special talent and your accomplishment has the uniqueness no matter how tough was to reach to the pinnacle.  When you meet your target, your will be inspiring someone to make things possible.

8 Change the world– You want to improve the current state of world with your accomplishment and will be creating better opportunities for others to improve upon in their life and making a world a better place to live.

9 You want to set an example– you don’t want to let yourself down by not trying enough to meet the goal. Your belief is the reason that makes you think possibility in tough times.

10 Your success is just an inch away– “Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach.”Napoleon Hill

11 You don’t want to go down without fighting– You don’t want to live a life asking “wish I could have”..

If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner- Zig Ziglar

Ask this question to change your life..

Hold your breath  …and take a note of  life  you have visualized few years before  and now ? Have you reached to the stage you were aiming at or you are settling for less  understanding your ability? Aren’t you  have  unique  ability among millions of people on this earth ? You are born with abilities like any one and you are not using it to your fullest potential is it like that?

You can still do more and it’s in fact just the few moments of glory of what you seem able to carry out. No one is born with any instruction book to understand what the real way of doing something worthwhile is and in fact it’s our responsibility to distinguish what is the right or wrong. Most of us never choose to figure out and continue to live blocking their potential to do.

Choose to answer this question- Why some of the people are more successful than others?Whenever  you face the challenges, ask this question and you will find the reason to act on it.

Till date whatever happened in our life is the result of not due to unknown reason, there is always something a sort of explanation that defines it.  If you are after the same process what successful people have done to carry out their goal, you will going to have same glory in your life. Don’t expect it to happen, if you are not having same discipline what they have. Universe does not differentiate between people. If you are doing what a successful person and duplicate the process, you will be having same success in your life. It’s simple truth, not the matter of fortune or chance.

It’s time to decide …Are you going to have the discipline to meet the goal or you will  keep having excuses for not doing  anything  as per your potential  ?

The choice is yours..as life is yours.

Its all about what you think…..

Goal Setting

Image by angietorres via Flickr

Most of us have a belief of having X-factor  from rest of the crowds. The successful person does have the faith that ability increases when heart and mind thinks in same wavelength.  Everyone bears an habitual pattern of thinking positively and negatively depending on the experience they have gone through. The positivity gives the belief of seeing the light at the end of tunnel while the opposite just keep on believing there is always a dark days ahead.Positive people will thrive on the challenges thrown at them while people filled with negativity in mind will find themselves in doubt every time the opportunity knocks on the door.

The difference what separates the winner and looser is the attitude and it shapes the mind-set towards the situations we are facing in life. It’s not which is  determined by your looks or what family you belongs to. Whatever you think about you definitely brings the difference in your ability to do for the worse or for better. You don’t have to forcefully feel confident when you are acting on the self belief. The mental image of your self-esteem decides the level of confidence for pursuing towards the goal.

Most of us have faced failure at crucial juncture of life while going through the life trying to achieve  the want or been left out etc, also the impact of those negative emotions making you  feel  devastated but in the hindsight when you choose to move forward-looking at the opportunity hidden in those times, our life begins to turn into better . When you look situations as challenges, the adversity seems just a roadblock to overcome.  There is something beyond the realm of the understanding of humans that comes as blessing in disguise every time the negativity breaks in through the door of opportunity or in the other way…negative tests your ability to handle the positive that is coming to bring abundance in life.

What is so magical about goal-setting that changes the average people into powerful personality? And why we still avoid doing that to meet the most advantage in life?  One of the good habits of successful people  is to set the goal for at-least for 6 month, 1 years or 5 years in precise. Having a plan to reach towards the goals will help you to overcome challenges or in a someway, the set back will be the set up for comebacks .All the successful attempts  is the result of organized approach whether it is small or big….The best way to bring the best out of  you is have the goals written and focusing entirely on that. Concentrating on what matters most is better ways to handle the life and not worrying about things what has gone wrong. If getting worried is not taking your further, then decide to manifest what you are really passionate about .

Is there such a thing as being too busy for a relationship?

Does having hectic professional schedule making you feel exhausted? Do you have overburdened yourself with work that gives you less time with closed ones or towards the circumstances that matters? Does it have made an impact on the inner workings of your personal relationship? Or you have the people who supports your life style but you feel sad not able to have the quality time with them?

Well, the accomplishment is often determined in professional and financial value but sometimes we have to find the real meaning of how we describe success?   Looking back sometimes we have to realize, we have missed the time to spend the years with our family in the race of life….is it happening to you like many of us? Is there anything missing in your priority list that is most valuable part of your life if yes….It’s time to look at alternatives which can possibly  bring back old sparks in relationship-

1 Develop your exclusive space- Have a look at novel adventure that involves your significant other? Decide to divide specific time with special person. Find some activities that both will look forward in doing it. Or if you decide to know your acquaintances’ in more friendlier terms, invite them for a small gathering. Make a plan to meet someone going through hard times to support them emotionally. It’s all give and take in relationship and your choices will matter that will make you feel blissful in the years to come.

2 Personal connections– Notice the difference in your metabolism when your loved ones give you undivided attention. .Isn‘t the same emotions when reciprocated gives the sense of fulfillment?Throw  the unnecessary hassles stopping you to connect with people who really matters.

3 find a time to enjoy – Involving yourself in playful activities brings back the cheerfulness you were missing. Life is all about enjoying isn’t? What is the advantage of having money when you don’t have the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor?  Think about it.

4 Banish negativity– Trying to get even with people will not solve your challenges in your life. To use the situation to greatest advantage is to avoid interacting with them or have a choice for you, not to treat them as priority. Being good does not hurt at all and at the same time it brings peacefulness to your inherent nature.

5Express gratitude– acknowledging presence of someone in your life is a good sign of  maturity. When we start taking things granted in our life, the complexity appears. When was the last time you were grateful to your closed ones? If not…be now…. Act as human and don’t deny the same right for the others   Being thankful for the significant others will improve your mental strength.

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say?  And why are you waiting?  –Stephen Levine

How forgiving someone helps you…

Nine Reasons to Forgive

1.       It’s exceptional way for maintaining healthfulness

2.    It optimizes your ability

3.    It boosts your consciousness and perception.

4.   It gives you the peace of mind.

5.  It lifts you morale to act with confidence.

6.   It brings the positivity in your mental set up creating more opportunity for better outcomes.

7.  It creates the options for looking ahead than being stuck in life.

8.  It increases your capacity to handle the situations without getting overwhelmed.

9.   It sharpens and expand your level of wisdom.

Twelve Simple Steps to Forgiveness

1. Stop straining your mind by thinking it as personal attack.

2. Control your emotions by accepting mistakes.

3. Understand the new lessons.

4. Believe your responses were too there for your situations.

5. Look the new life as chance to improve upon from getting stuck.

6. Be willing to forgive yourself first.

7. Thank almighty for the tough time. Stop asking why?

8. Bring on the best in your personality by helping people by encouraging them to look beyond the hurt.

9. Reassess your life’s commitments and decide to take action.

10. Act on the blessings which were in disguise.

11. Decide to overlook past as bad dream. Over exerting mind will not let you come out of the situation.

12. Positive talk must be  followed by congruent steps. Say no to negative ideas.

When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.-Catherine Ponder

This is one of the basic rules for making money

What is the price you are paying by neglecting yourself on the name of endless excuses or lies you tell to yourself? As a matter of fact when you are letting somebody’s priorities being your greatest importance, you are letting down your self down when you can choose the best for your own life. Isn’t  when our thoughts are on somebody else, we stop living in present and neglect our requirement.?

Some of the ideal action of ours which contributes towards  carelessness about life:-

1        Being attentive to the goals ignoring health.

2        Ignoring the drama of own life and involving in others life

3        Doubting yourself so much that sleeplessness becomes the part of life

4        Giving ideas to solve the problem when own life is in mess.

5        Providing information about right or wrong to others when one needs to look their own life.

Isn’t it all the circumstances take away our chance to have abundance at all levels -Physical,Mental ,Spiritual,Emotional and Financial . Lets define the conditions  when  people will pay you more money

1 How you are increasing your significance in someone‘s life?

We have the power to aid someone through our services we can offer. The point of contention is whether we really want to do or not? What is the promise from your side that can shift the mind set of people for their improvement? What is the level where your way of treating someone acts as exceptional impressive? And how….The more you are able to give yourself to serve the people better will be the opportunity to create abundance.  Do you have any spark within you that will lighten the world? Any idea, product, skill,talent….

Wealth creation is directly proportional to the value added in the life of individuals.

2 Recognize the need–   Every one of us believe this fact -Necessity is the mother of all inventions..The opportunity has been given by creator to look for the occasions  and find the supply as per the demand. Successful people keep an eye on those moments and initiate new projects that fulfill those requirements.

3 Appreciating oneself-

You are accountable for yourself before you  carry out something for yourself.. Unless you have estimation about your value in terms of money, no one will be  willing to pay for  your significance..  And if you are not setting the price value what is right for you, you will be responsible for you own devaluation.. You must decide what your worth is and make note of  what you are entitled for.

4 Knowing what you really love to do and doing that– When you are passionate about something in your life and considering money as by-product , it is easy to keep up the mind-set towards  achieving excellence  but when the dedication shifts towards making more money , the passion fizzles out resulting in  challenges that leads  to failure as  it is difficult to  carry on the pursuit.  How we will understand that we are really eager to do noteworthy  that will shift our life.? The answer lies  within us when we inquire ourselves-What if you have all the abundance in world , Will you still choose  to do what you are doing now? The answer in affirmative will symbolize your  drive or else  you have to find options that will provide what you are really looking for.

Why do we need mentor and for what?

Isn’t easy to live a fulfilled life with purposeful meaning attached to that? But when setbacks makes us  pointless to pursue the commitment  resulting in low self-esteem to face the tough times , We need to have a adviser who   can help us ride the rough situations without letting us getting overwhelmed by helping our self-belief.

We feel that finding the true purpose is unimaginable but it is possible when we have mentor in our life to clarify the true meaning of our existence.

What a mentor can do for our life…

Interpreting our responsibilities– the definition of our existence in life is most important need before we seek it out. Everyone is genius in his way of living life but when the same attitude is not producing the result what someone  seek, we need a coaching to know what is creating the obstacles in our path to meet  .Life coach will let us find the reason without getting emotionally attached to the situation and  successful people need the life coach for tracking  their progress.


Confusing circumstances -Life is not a bed of roses so when sometimes it hits the rough patch , our disillusionment with  ourselves don’t serve in the best interest of us. The pattern of life seems boring creating unnecessary hassles to overcome. As a confidant, he will make you realize the possibilities of finding new direction by giving you thoughts making you inspired and helping you be to  better , not bitter.

When life doesn’t find its ways -Isn’t it when everything looks harmonic in some way, the meaning of fulfillment changes its interpretation ?Why even having all the meanings to make us happy does not seem to have same impact making us clueless for the dissatisfaction in our lives? When we  have left the hopes to come out of rut, the advisor unearth the steps that let us reach to the stage what we are after.

Creating the belief within–  Our way of living the life is on a pattern influenced  by the peer influence or social factors. Honestly, rubbing off some of those opinion  creates challenges in life .This is the exact stage where mentor steps in to let us realize the real meaning by taking charge to discard the unwanted belief stopping us from achieving the breakthrough  in our life.

Sincerely we have to take account of  our life by understanding the influence that is eclipsing our true aptitude. It’s our decision to see the better days or stay in the shadow of doubt and letting the light of vivacity getting dimmer with every passing days.

Giving control of life to someone other than you is a  scary process…but behind the fear, there is fortune waiting to be unearthed and only way possible to get in touch with our real self is to face the fear and get the enlightenment.

Once we let  our fear in the hand of someone who believe our potential,the magic starts to unfold changing our world in a surprising way.


Here is a method that can help us to be extraordinary..

Till we breathe life constantly brings it up our quota of challenges that baffles and account for our wisdom. Everyone has to undergo ominous shift in life that test their Achilles heel and the difference matters in not what happens but how we react to what stumbled upon.

Choose to decide the options that are helping people like us bringing the best …

1. Concentrating on strength

Our judgments depends on our prejudices making it debatable contributing to our delight and gloominess as per plight in life in spite of being one of kind among society. As a matter of fact we suppress our intensity by not paying attention to our effectiveness by zooming in on vulnerability.A determined effort gives pleasure of achieving something invaluable even we fall short of expectation and  by selecting our core strength does help us in annihilating adverse situation and helping us to meet the desired outcome

When we recognize the inconsistency and think hard we can improve our life… isn’t?

Take a piece of paper and note down the strength and weakness in your personality….Being honest with self does not hurt at all….

2. Set goals ahead of time

When our preparation meets the opportunity the success is definable but at times when our expectation fails miserably we require the courage to stand and pursue the dream .The deadlock is the stage when we need to reaffirm our faith in determination and plan the diversion if faced with challenges. Observing the conditions and setting the plan of action will make sure  get the anticipated outcome. Considering a few points will make us emerge better, not bitter

Five W’S

  • Who is it about?
  • What happened?
  • When did it take place?
  • Where did it take place?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How did it happen?

Figuring out the five W’s will present the prospect of overcoming hurdles and secure the best as per our commitment towards excellence.

3. There are no mistakes, only feedback.

Pause for a moment and illustrate the understanding about life – a journey of fulfilled aspiration or ungratified passage towards the grave.  What so ever our representation have about the life, the lessons learnt during lifetime made us to elevate us  by leaps and bound when we start to acknowledge the   hardships as stepping stone for betterment . Whatever we have done or not done..We are still worthy of getting admired and feel proud of our achievements .Life is a series of   learning by trial and error and will continue to remain so. As Thomas Edison said “I haven’t failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work

Are you motivated by fear?

What we need to know to be successful….

Even we are at the top of our ladder , the minute we let ourselves feel in driver’s seat, genuiness of  life hits hard and make us realize there are still miles ahead to walk  before we can’t complain on our achievement ..isn’t it? The contentment eludes leaving an illusion and our quest continues for attaining the peace…

What we need to know that let us tick in any situation…
1-    Expectation level– What are we expecting from ourselves? Are we letting down ourselves by accepting failure as destination? By communicating the best ways of surviving against all odds can makes us raise our level of  understanding to excel no matter what comes. When we stop negating the tough time and concentrate  on taking challenges we can  meet what we wish.

Ask yourself- Is this the   dream you wanted to meet?

2-    Advantage factor- Giving attention to the  bigger picture will always let us face the situation boldly and come up with solutions too. Determining the proper direction  gives us strength and wisdom  to  negotiate rough edges.

Ask yourself- what you will gain once you cross this hurdle?

3-    Gut factor- It’s  easy being BUDDHA and foresee development  in our life but that’s not the way life works… we ought to have the plot  to elevate ourselves. Facts cannot change unless we take a stand. Nothing has been ever achieved  without enthusiasm…isn’t?
Ask yourself- what is the prize of not taking risk in current situation?

4  Satisfaction level- Everyone has their way of feeling satisfied depending on the level of  achievement.On some occasions even  we accomplish our intent  we feel dissatisfied so we have to cross examine what makes us contented .
Ask yourself-  Are you gratified  with the life?
5 Capability factor- Every person is competent to meet more than he aspire without allowing his will power overruled by the excuses. Those who want to accomplish significant  in life, never distrust  their capacity   and persevere till they attain it  .
Ask yourself— Are you underrating yourself?

6 Standard factor- Visionaries  have  their understanding of their worth   and they do their best…isn’t it? They aren’t  satisfied being stuck in spite of achieving comparatively better than their contemporaries by attaching value to  their honor and keep on encouraging themselves.
Ask yourself- Is this your level you want to reach?

7 Motivation factors– Extraordinary  folks  have their judgment on  inspiring themselves while confronting grueling contest – their reasons can be personal, social or professional thus   for being outstanding we have to no other options except to survive the odds.
Ask yourself- why you are doing and for whom?